Girevoy Sport in Melbourne

Enter Your Details For a FREE Girevoy Sport Session

Small Group Session – Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7.15am.

Roger Saheli has been involved with kettlebell training since 2008. In that time he has attended numerous courses, trained with world champions in Latvia in their Olympic centre. He has competed numerous times nationally and internationally in kettlebell sport and holds international ranks in kettlebell sport.

Kettlebell Sport in Melbourne

Girevoy is the sport of kettlebell lifting. Originally from Russia, it has now branched out worldwide. If you’re interested in something new, then you can learn more about Girevoy sport which is growing rapidly here in Australia. The sports lifts will create an unbeatable body and its carry-over effects to other sports and life is insurmountable.

As an active competitor in Kettlebell Sport Melbourne, my coaching is based on years of refinement and education. I will tailor the program to suit your levels to help you get the results you want. Coaching can be done onsite or online, so book your free session above today.

Kettlebell sport training improved my body in many ways, not just in aesthetics also my flexibility, strength and endurance. I strongly recommend it for people looking for fitness and strength to try Girevoy Sport.
Carlos Luna