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Tough Love Kettlebells – 10 Amazing Workouts For Beginners.

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Stretching with Kettlebell Training
Hello All The importance of stretching when training can't be emphasised enough. You can only go so long before something has to give, either a tear occurs, you always feel tight or your posture changes too much. Prior to training do some mobility movements and a some...
The Kettlebell Squat
This is an awesome lower body movement that will tax your legs and strengthen your core at the same time. Unlike the barbell front squat, the kettlebell variation is a sneaky beast. Even with low weight kettlebells, people who are used to doing 80kgs plus with the...
Two Handed Swing – Hard Style
The Kettlebell Swing: The fundamental ballistic movement. From this movement and it’s variations, all other ballistic movements originate. Master this exercise and all other ballistic moves will follow. The swing will improve your snatch, clean and high pull. Some...
The Kettlebell Rack
This is the position in which one holds the kettlebell at one point of most exercises – holding the kettlebell to the chest. For example, it’s the end movement of the clean, the middle movement of a clean and press, and the start movement for front squats. There are...
The Kettlebell Military Press
The Military Press This would have to one of the best upper body movements a lifter could do. Not only does it create cannonball deltoids, but when done correctly it will improve your chin ups and pull ups too, as the negative portion of the movement is the equivalent...
How To – Turkish Get Up
The following how to video came about from a request by a trainer for ways to get certain populations who may not be as strong, agile and co-ordinated to perform a full Turkish Get Up the first time. The video breaks down each component of the move so that you can...