Kettlebells and Safety

Hello All When working with kettlebells remember a few safety things: • Clothing: make sure you wear clothing that is comfortable, neither too tight or loose. It is important that we wear clothes that won’t interfere with body mechanics. • Footwear: running...

Intra muscluar tension technique

Hello All Along with power breathing, the second most important thing you need to learn is applying is Intramuscular tension technique also known as irradiation. Intramuscular tension technique is the tensing of the muscles to create a flow of energy throughout the...
What is a kettlebell?

What is a kettlebell?

The ‘Kettlebell’ or ‘Girya’ is a cast iron weight looking somewhat like a cannonball with a handle. There are two schools of thought regarding the history of the kettlebell. One is that the military welded handles to cannonballs and started to use them as training...

The benefits of Kettlebell Sport

Hello All Kettlebells are truly a wonderful tool to use, they can truly be life changing! Here is a quick list of some of the benefits • Ability to produce and reduce force, (which is a great carry over to other sports) • Increased strength • Increased strength...